Frigga's Web

Frigga's Web Policies and the Meaning of Frithstead

Frigga's Web is unaffiliated with any other organization. As a Frithstead for all Heathen Folk, it is non-ideological, nonpartisan, and apolitical. Since its inception, Frigga's Web has included members from several major Heathen affiliations, as well as independent Heathens. This is in keeping with Frigga's role as the spiritual mother of all Heathen folk, and as a powerful force for Heathen solidarity (which does not mean homogeneity ). Thus, Frigga's Web welcomes and serves all Heathens, the only requirements for membership being to keep holy frith within Frigga's frithstead, and to refrain from bringing any dishonor, by word or deed, on Frigga and Frigga's Web.

In keeping with the value Frigga places on common courtesy and civility, as well as her support of frith, we do not accept behavior or speech that is hateful, malicious, vicious, demeaning, or violent toward anyone, for whatever reasons, be they racial, sexual, ideological, sectarian, or political--from the left, right, center, or anywhere else--including witch-hunting motivated by political correctness. We say Frithstead and we mean it. No holy wars between Heathen sects and individuals will be fought in our space. Peoples personal opinions, personal lives, and their other affiliations are their own business and not the business of Frigga’s Web.

Frigga's Web was founded to create a frithful space for pan-Heathen interaction and to support the growth of a true Heathen society, where the focus is on our commonalities and not on our differences. This is achieved not by insisting that everyone who joins Frigga's Web look and act identically with one another. Rather, it is achieved by acknowledging that within Frigga's Web, the bitter political issues that divide Heathens from each other have no bearing on most of the activities of Frigga's domain: caring for one's household, clothcrafting, midwifing, caring for one's children, learning organizational and managerial skills, caring for nature and the web of life--simply the activities of everyday life. And for the Frithweavers' Guild in particular, neutrality and respect for the things we have in common are essential. No one can or should trust a partisan frithweaver, or one who can only see the differences between people, and is blind to the common ground shared by all parties.

Certainly political/ideological issues are important; each Frigga’s Web member holds personal opinions and views on them, and it is vital to debate them. But Frigga’s Web is not the place to do it: we have a different purpose and role--a unique and valuable one, which will be destroyed if we allow the intrusion of divisive issues.

We recognize that the Children’s Hall of Frigga's Web has the potential for being a battleground of ideologies, and for causing suspicion and distress among our members and the rest of the community. No one wants to have their children led astray in directions which they do not approve. Folks may fear that the educational materials and activities offered by the Children’s Hall will differ unacceptably from the position they feel to be right, concerning issues of Heathen controversy. For this reason, the Children's Hall will confine itself to the domains of pure religion, such as god-lore and the basic thews that all Heathens agree with, and to Heathen history, literature, arts, and languages. The Children's Hall will not take a position or teach children about the social and political issues that cause division and disagreement among Heathens, leaving these areas of education to the children’s own parents and kindreds.

The focus of Frigga's Web is religious and practical, emphasizing Frigga's domains of power and knowledge. If we can be said to have any agenda at all, it is only this: furthering Frigga's work in Midgard, including the creation and firm defense of a holy frithstead, open to all her children who are willing to keep frith and give her honor and respect.




Gods & Myths of the Viking Age, 1996
"Thus the myths may lead us to discover more about our spiritual heritage, and perhaps to realize some of the defects in the spiritual development of the modern world. The study of mythology need no longer be looked on as an escape from reality into the fantasies of primitive peoples but as a search for the deeper understanding of the human mind. In reaching out to explore the distant hills where the gods dwell, and the deeps where the monsters are lurking, we are perhaps discovering the way home."